Monday Motivation: Motivate Others

Growing up I believed my dad was Superman. He was strong, brave, and had these ginormous hands that put The Hulk to shame.

Getting older doesn’t scare me. It’s seeing my dad get older that scares me because there’s the realization that Dad is no longer Superman with super human strength, super human hands, or super human health. Both my parents have had health scares this past year and as a result my dad in particular has worked to lose 25 pounds, releasing 100 pounds of pressure on his bad knees.

This year, for his 60th birthday, dad asked me to buy him a recumbent bike. Not my mom, but rather me. “Why me?” I asked. Dad has never asked me to buy him anything nor does he like accepting gifts.

My father now sees his formerly over weight, unhealthy daughter as an expert in fitness. He’s been so encouraged by my weight loss journey and the work I’ve put into running that he would only accept a bike from me.

If I could change my life and my health, he was sure that he could do something about his…even at 60. He admitted that for a while his bad knees were discouraging and made him sad. But instead of moping about it, he decided he wanted to do everything he could to help strengthen his knees.

Sometimes the thing we view as weakness, like asking one’s daughter for help, is the thing that makes us stronger. And other times, let us remember that we inspire others even when we don’t think they’re watching- so let us continue to press on toward our goals. If not for ourselves, then for those who are quietly watching.

My dad is not Superman but he is indeed a super man.

Happy birthday, dad.


Monday Motivation


Big shout out to my friends Liz M. and Liz T. for sharing this on their Facebook pages. Click on their names to check out their blogs! You may also remember Liz M. from one of the last few “This Lean Girl Rocks” features.

I like Chipotle. It’s one of my favorite fast-food alternatives because I can pick and choose what goes into my meal. Chipotle isn’t perfect, though. Burritos are the size of small children and can cost you your day’s calorie allotment. But if you choose wisely, Chipotle is a good choice as it offers a healthy assortment of organic meats and produce. I always get the salad with chicken, peppers and onions, a little hot sauce and pico de gallo. No rice, no dressing, no beans (high in sodium), no cheese. Sometimes I pick up some brown rice from the store and mix it with the salad for a balanced meal. Chipotle even has the CleanPlates seal of approval.

Whatever your opinion is of Chipotle, consider the message of the ad. Our food is not supposed to be processed in a plant. There’s supposed to be balance in our eco-system. We’re supposed to love animals and take care of them before we eat them. We used to be at peace with food and it used to love us back. What happened?

So today’s Monday Motivation: do you “love” the food that is on your plate? Did it bring you peace?