Giveaway: Brooklyn Bridge Bootcamp DVD

You’ve heard me rave about Ariane Hundt and her Slim & Strong program and Brooklyn Bridge Bootcamp. Now you can do it at home.

I’ve been using the Brooklyn Bridge Bootcamp workout DVD for those days I’m lazy and can’t make it four blocks to the gym.

Ariane takes you through a butt kicking workout on the Brooklyn Bridge. The split screen shows on one side what you would normally be doing if you were at one of her outdoor classes and the other shows alternate moves for you at home. It’s a tough and fast paced workout  but I always feel wiped yet amazing like I just had a personal training session. My legs, butt, arms and core are sore that day and the next…in a good way. The work out is fast paced and your heart rate will stay up the entire time.

No fancy equipment is necessary. The DVD comes with two Versa-loops, or as I like to call them, rubber bands of death. The rest is all your body. Lots of lunges, sumo squats, lifts, holds, and push-ups. I’m usually collect a pool of sweat in my living room floor.

It’s not your typical high production video shoot with pastel colored lights and muzak. But that’s what is refreshing about it – it’s real! It’s not overly produced. The only “negative” is that there is some jumping, so if you live in an apartment like most New Yorkers do I suggest doing your jumping jacks, sumo squats, and knee lifts on a yoga mat or rug so your neighbors don’t hate you.

How to enter the Giveaway: Subscribe to LGC (via WP or email buttons on the homepage) and leave a comment about your favorite exercise move. Crunches? Squats? Winner will be chosen at random.

If you’d like a sample of what Ariane’s workout is like, try this KILLER legs workout and check out her Slim & Strong blog.

11 thoughts on “Giveaway: Brooklyn Bridge Bootcamp DVD

  1. Well, obviously I LOVE running! But of course, I try to incorporate cross training in there. I like to do the SEXC7 (crunches, squats, push ups, butt kicks, heel lifts, etc). Great cross training to work your entire body in only 3.5 minutes!!!!
    PS. I would LOVE to win this! Thank you for the opportunity!

  2. I’m with Marcie, I’m a runner at heart! Recently I’ve been taking a class at the gym that uses resistance bands and I’ve loved every minute of it. Who thought this girl would enjoy strength training!?

    • Strength training sucks and is painful when you go through it, but it’s amazing seeing much stronger I’ve become with each session. And I can’t say that I feeling toned is a bad thing either!

  3. I love double-unders (jumping rope)…it appeals to the inner street kid. Ah, I would love to do double dutch! I’ve tried to love burpees, to no avail.

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